Play Padel Singapore

Your one-stop shop for everything Padel-related in Singapore

Hello and welcome to Play Padel Singapore!b7-4e0f-b5e6-df7fc49f2c7d

We're your one-stop shop for everything Padel-related in Singapore. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, you'll find information on:

To navigate our site, you can click on the navigation links on the top of the page (on desktop) or simply follow the corresponding club links by clicking the buttons below. Also, While you're here - why don't you check out the blog

We hope you enjoy using our site and that it helps you get the most out of your Padel experience in Singapore!

The Padel
Playing Foreigner

Follow me on my Padel journey as I turn my obsession for Padel into a passion project where I'll still be able to Padel while not on the court.

I’ll be sharing my Padel musings which may include things like reviews on clubs I play at, conversation topics that take place at the bar after a match or I may also asks some friends if they would like to be featured on the site as well.

Finding Matches + Players

If you need to find players to join your match or would like find slots in available matches, download Padel Mates and Playtomic on your phone (iOS + Android).

Alternatively, feel free to join the local club's WhatsApp group which are listed on their club's correspnding site.

Padel Mates